The Pyramid Of Success Summary

Superior Essays
Today, the President of the United States will swear an oath of office with his hand on the Holy Bible. Our country is built on a solid foundation from this book. I want my foundational ethical identity to be based on the Bible as well. And, I’m not talking about a religious affiliation or views or proselytizing as Dr. Welfel discussed in the textbook (Welfel, p. 23). I’m talking about core principles and values that are lived out unconsciously that guide and direct one’s steps each day in freedom without any input whatsoever. Even Welfel discusses how our biases are played out in unconscious ways (p. 61). I want those unconscious ways to be outward, visible behavior that are good fruit--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, …show more content…
Coach John Wooden’s pyramid of success hangs above my desk. These are building blocks developed by John Wooden’s faith and are Biblically based as discussed in several of his books. As stated in Coach Wooden’s book, “The Pyramid of Success is also a motivational tool, but different from all the others. The principles laid down in the Bible produce good in people and societies. Biblical truth works if people apply it in their lives, whether or not the people are followers of Christ. Since the Pyramid of Success contains biblical principles, its application is limitless (Wooden, p. 16).

However, before Coach Wooden’s pyramid or Dr. Vernacchia’s pyramid of Peak Performance (Vernacchia, p.14) where character, passion, and attitude are discussed as the attributes “that enable one to become successful athletes”, I must have a solid foundation myself and know who we I am with a sound ability of self-leadership. “Ethical action is not just about what we think or how we feel, it is about who we are” according to Dr. Welfel (p.
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53), to be lived out in all I do to include living and working in a multicultural diverse area and occupation. An authentic ethical identify also allows me to have an attitude of openness to other worldviews with cultural empathy in my empathic and trustworthy relationships with society (p. 77). This includes balancing respect with autonomy (freedom from external control or influence) (p.72). I also believe my ethical identity should include the “practical wisdom” of Aristotle where my capacity to use rules, norms, and standards should be in a contextual way relating to the circumstance and interpreting them rather than attempting to apply them in a rigid or unvarying way

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