Good Food Research Paper

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Food is a major source of fuel for people in their everyday busy life. They need their source of energy to interact with work, school and life successfully. But not all food is good for everyone; some people are allergic to some sorts of food while others cannot have some sorts of food for medical reasons. The other factor why people do not eat healthy or good food is because of the price that it is sold at, it cuts into to their budgets and not all have a good six-figure salary so they resort to fast oily foods. The way food is made and eaten is also another factor to how a food is bad or good. Like most deep fried food is not good for you because of the oily grease that is used to cook it, it causes obesity, stroke, diabetes and cancer risk rates to increase and also ready made microwaveable food is nothing but preservatives and substitute meat in it, which a has a heavy does …show more content…
A small cup of fruit is the same price has a cheeseburger, something does not add up to that statement. How could a cup of fruit be almost the same price of a burger, are the fruits organic or maybe the price of the beef used on the burger is just so cheap. Most of the students that go to Lonestar Kingwood are on some sort of financial aid or their family does not have money for a four-year university. This makes a mockery to them because it shows that they can learn and study there but not eat because of the price of food. This resorts them to go out of the campus to a cheaper place to eat like McDonalds and other fast food restaurants. The school cafeteria does give a lot of options for food but does not give the option of prices. Like some of the food prices at the Lonestar Kingwood cafeteria are $4.25 for a Turkey Sandwich, $3.50 for a Classic Burger and $3.25 for a Fruit Cup. The food must cost more because when students enroll into Lonestar, there is not a meal fee charged to the

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