The Importance Of Hopes And Dreams In The Great Gatsby

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Hopes and dreams are what America is made of, known as the American dream, in The Great Gastby, Fitzgerald relates the American dream to a green light shown here in his statement, “Gastby believed in the green light, of the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… and one fine morning--” (Fitzgerald 193) Fitzgerald leaving the sentence unfinished, Nicks believes of one fine morning, and that dreams are centered on a future belief, all come to one conclusion, that striving for one’s desire is more important than achieving them. The green light represents a dream that people long and search for, hopes and dreams always center on …show more content…
Daisy became Gastby’s green light, he knew that without the wealth he couldn’t have Daisy and without Daisy the wealth was nothing to him. As Marius Bewley writes, “For Gatsby, Daisy does not exist in herself. She is the green light that signals him into the heart of his ultimate vision” (Bewley 8) Daisy is the catalyst that gives Gastby the ambition and perseverance to achieve all his other desires of becoming a wealthy and respected man. It seems that Gastby dies without reaching his dreamed, but did he, his last thought prior to dying is that Daisy will call any minute and his dreams would be fulfilled. Nick understands this when he writes “as I sat there brooding on the old, unknown world, I thought of Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock”(Fitzgerald 193) he must of thought he had reached his …show more content…
Nick sees life through Gastby’s perspective, the child like believing that every morning is a new beginning to achieve the dream and defeat does not exist. Nick’s believe becomes the same as Gatsby that one fine morning all dreams will be achieved. Nick unlike Gastby was born into a life of comfort, however like Gastby from a morally good family. This is seen in Nick’s father’s statement “whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you had” (Fitzgerald 3) Nick’s upbringing taught him not to judge anyone for what they have, but to view and accept them for who they have become. When Nick shouts to Gastby “They’re a rotten crowd.. You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.”(Fitzgerald 164) this shows Nick’s upbringing, he believes in the person not the wealth. Gastby may not have had old money, but he had something the rest did not and that is love for someone other than

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