The Hero's Hades: A Short Story

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The name’s Hades. I’m sure you’ve all heard about the horrible Hades who nearly destroyed your tiny land by letting angry gods run rampage. No? I’m the one with the fiery blue hair, shark-like teeth, and some would say “sickly yellow eye.” I’m the villain in the movie Hercules. Yep, there ya go! That’s me. Look, I know people don’t think I’m the most charming of fellas. My patience has always run as thin as a strand of hair.
I’ll hear people blabbing above me on the streets how awful it was that I, “Stole the lives of so many innocent people.” WELL LISTEN HERE! I do not decide when it’s time for someone to part, that is in the hands of the three fates. They decided when the string of life is due to be cut. I on the other hand, have the honors
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When Zeus was finally old enough to no longer be the center of attention by my parents. Poseidon was hanging him, intrigued by his new pall. It was harder for me to connect with them, I had grown out of everything they were interested in doing. I couldn’t wait ‘til Zeus was older to finally be able to bond with me. But that day never came. You see, Zeus became pretty likable for whatever reason. And with likability, came cockiness. Every now and then he would suck Poseidon into his sick games that ended with me in trouble. I would try to go along with all their plans in order to fit in and bond with them, but in almost every scheme they devised, guess who the target was? Yep you got it, ME. It didn’t help that my power was so morbid. It seemed like almost everything I came close to would experience a shortened lifespan. The flowers that grew outside our house wilted so fast, I was no longer aloud outside. My only company were my brothers who acted like my only existence was for the pleasure of them treating my like a test dummy. Lightning bolts would fly right through my cloak and a storm cloud would follow me around for days under their control. What made matters worse was whenever something broke, trampled, or died, it was my fault because that was my power, debilitate everything in sight (and according to my parents, destroy everything in sight). I’ll never forget my mom’s reaction when she noticed the shattered …show more content…
Almost everything he had done seemed to end up with him hurt. As for Panic? He was frail and anxious. Although he was always concerned with something, Pain seemed to ease his scattered mind and got Panic to stop worrying about whatever thing he just screwed up. - Oh who am I kidding! - You’ve seen the movie Hercules. You know exactly who I am talking about. Ignore my vague description and know this. These creatures resemble who I was that day I was exiled into that cave: Nothing but a scared and hurt kid. But as days progressed, my self pity crept away and new emotions emerged: Frustration and a longing for Revenge. As the 13th day of exile approached, I decided it was time to fit the part as the Ruler of the

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