Strength And Weaknesses Of Title IX Policies

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Your college has decided to take a proactive stance in the safety of the students, staff, and faculty of your school. You have expressed that you want to ensure that all of the students feel safe, and are free from sexual violence happening to them. To that end, the college has hired Group 3 Consulting to review current Title IX policies at the college, review the strengths and weaknesses of those policies, recommend further action, and to assist in planning and implementing those actions. The first step of that process will be to introduce you to the Title IX law and the components of that law that deals with sexual violence. This step will also cover the role and responsibilities of the college’s faculty and staff to remain compliant with …show more content…
These responsibilities include providing a safe learning environment for students and staff. Schools are also responsible for establishing an appropriate grievance policy in cases of sexual assault and harassment. In addition, once a claim has been made, it is the schools responsibility to guarantee that the claimant is not required to participate in activities that would involve association with the accused. This guarantee would include living areas, classrooms, and school employment (Bolger, 2016). Schools are also required to keep the victim protected from further harassment from students, faculty, staff, and the original …show more content…
A school must report all incidents of crime that have occurred to their students in both on-campus and around-campus situations on a yearly basis. Information that schools report is compiled yearly by the government into a document called the annual security report (ASR), also known as the Clery Act report (“The Clery Act in Detail,” 2016). In 2013, President Obama signed an amendment of the Clery Act, the SaVE Act, into law (“Understanding the Campus SaVE Act,” 2016). This amendment specifically addressed acts of sexual misconduct on campus. In regards to Tile IX, the SaVE ACT requires a more extensive reporting of sexual related campus crimes, to include “domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking” (“Understanding the Campus SaVE Act,” 2016). The SaVE ACT also went on to require by law the sexual violence education and training that the DCL had previously suggested. It works together with Title IX to protect the student and the

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