Sparta Is Better Than Athens Essay

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Sparta is known as one of the best military states, but Athens is known to be the greatest city state. I would like to live in Athens because they are more superior than Athens. To begin with, Athens is more superior than Sparta in naval power. They had a clear advantage through the seas by receiving resources and attacking against other city states. Athens or more of the leading city stayed in Sparta because of their economy. Does the union economy is a cesspool because of their trading and money production. Lastly, the Athenian education clearly surpassed the Spartan education. There was no comparison of both medications because the Athens education is superior. Athens have an upper hand in education which will provide better futures for the …show more content…
Athens head naval advantages during war. Spartan ground troops or feared. So ground troops and ground attacking strategies were not an option for the Athenians. So they attacked using ships and fleets. According to the website it's states" The ships or 100-120 feet long and 20 feet wide. Athens had a fleet of 400 ships.", this shows how strong the Navy was. The Athens demonstrated how they have an all around advantage through their naval power instead of war like Sparta.
Lastly, the Athenians were served with an outstanding education. Athenian boys learned about math and language arts. Spartan education was based around warfare. According to the website( it states"Boy learned mathematics, reading, writing, poetry, music, and gymnastics. Lived in barracks and stole to survive.",this demonstrates both educations. One shows war and the other shows other life skills. I do see how Sparta had an education. Even though they had an education the students didn't benefit in besides war. In Athens students learn various life skills that will be used later in their lives. Athens had a better education is Bart it even though Sparta had

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