Some Like It Hot Gender Roles

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How “Some Like It Hot” transpose the gender roles and concept of marriage? A traditional gender role is a set of societal norms that are dictating how each gender is to think, speak, act, and engage with each other. In 1950s, this role is stereotyped. More so, a marriage in that time is preferred as a career and women were assumed to be a perfect wife. However, in “Some Like It Hot”, director had broken the roles of it and created many amusing scenes. It does challenge in both traditional gender roles and the concept of marriage and broke the thought of the audiences. Gender roles are the way to control what people can do or can’t do by defining things. For instance, men were the sole providers of family and women were expected to be a homemaker. In addition, women were drawn to be the ideal wife that they should be dependent on their husband’s acceptance and protection and couldn’t make important decisions. However, there were transposing gender roles in this film. …show more content…
Joe and Jerry were dressing up as women to run for their life due to they accidentally witness the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre and “Spats” Colombo spotted them. Their cross-dressing was transposing gender roles. Mostly, women dressing up as men were more profound in gender-bending comedy owing to women were the underprivileged gender. In this film, men were pretended to be women to save their lives and it changed the images of men from supreme to underprivileged. It occurs a reversal gender role and expressed men disguise women is not a

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