Science And Technology In Neil Burger's Brave New World

Superior Essays
Science and technology are enormously popular topics within several utopian and dystopian pieces. Various writers, directors, and reporters tend to portraying technical and controlled advancements within their own fictional societies. This can produce an ideal or flawed society, based entirely on the perspectives of the audience. Aldous Huxley utilizes this format through his novel ¬Brave New World (1932) in which he creates a civilization consisting primarily of genetically engineered individuals. In this fictitious novel, Huxley shows the effects of a governing party having the ability to exploit reproductive technology to control the continuously growing society. Similarly, Neil Burger uses aspects of science and technology in his dystopian …show more content…
This creates an environment of confinement in which the individuals' lack of choice results in a loss of human personality. In Brave New World, there is a synthetically produced drug that the people are forcefully addicted to through their individual conditioning of it as a child. For example, a group of Deltas rush at John when he threw their soma rations out the window. An assembly of police officers came in and sprayed the whole room with "soma vapor" (Huxley 189). When the vapour had produces its effect, the Deltas are "in tears, kissing and hugging one another” (Huxley 189). As verified, the government thoughtfully forces soma to eliminate conflict within the society. As a whole, this allows the government to force people into conforming to their rules and regulations as this drug can be used by authority to get their citizens to oblige to them. When the Delta's are unable to express their rage towards John, it shows the government's ability to take away the human expression of opinion. Also, in the surge to gain power over the other factions, Erudite forcefully injects a serum into the Dauntless faction and creates programmable beings that are ready to follow any command. The Dauntless individuals are lied to when told that the “cognitive transmitter serum” is …show more content…
In Brave New World a dominance of technological processes is shown throughout the book. Genetic engineering directly correlates to a loss of individualism when the director of hatchings states “the principles of mass production are at last applied to biology” (Huxley 8). Burger’s motion picture Divergent uses a similar faction system that portrays a way to maintain peace within the society, but in reality only good for separating families and friends. A choosing ceremony that every teenager has to go through is their one choice. However even that is controlled by the government, irreversible, and decides their entire future in minutes. The banning of internet in North Korea shows how the control over internet communications can successfully separate a country from the rest of the world. To what extent can "North Korea's leadership keep the country in the dark" (Zeller 3). Various writers and directors continue to utilize science and technological advancements and its effect on humanity. These topics are primarily found in fictional pieces, but are progressively being transferred into global issues. In time, citizens will be found clueless as to how they allowed technology and sciences take over, having nothing left of

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