Respiratory Muscle Research Paper

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. Increase strength of respiratory muscles: The diaphragm and intercostal muscles increase in strength, allowing for greater expansion of the chest cavity.
3. Increase in oxygen diffusion rate: An increase in diffusion rates in tissues favours oxygen movement from the capillaries to the tissues, and carbon dioxide from the cells to the blood.

Increased aerobic and anaerobic enzymes: Long term exercise brings about a number of cellular changes that enhance the ability of muscle tissue to generate ATP.Cellular adaptation such as increase in size of mitochondria is usually accompanied by an increase in the level of aerobic system enzymes. The anaerobic system also undergoes a number of changes, including and increase in enzymes that control the anaerobic phase of glucose breakdown.
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Fat combustion power almost all exercise at approximately 25percent of Aerobic power. Fat oxidation increases if exercise extends to long periods, as glycogen levels

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