Positiveness: The Goldfish's Story Sergi

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No one should be alone, everyone should be positive towards others and love everyone equally. In the goldfish story Sergi isolated himself and felt unloved those feelings caused him to do a horrible crime. Charles didn’t receive enough love from his mother so throughout the years he developed a big grudge over his mother. Yoko has been a positive person so she accepts other and others people accept her. Andrea is a person who has a positive attitude and she hopes people can be affected by her attitude. All these stories have one thing in common and it’s to show how positiveness can affect a person during their life.
Sergi’s life lacked love and affection just like Charles’. Sergi didn’t like to be around people so he was very antisocial and
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”His father was known to be warmest of men.” When Charles was younger he didn’t receive enough love and care from his mother so he felt unloved throughout the years so while he was growing up he became affectionate with other people like his own kids. He became affectionate because he never received enough love from his mother so instead of being like her he did the opposite and gave everyone his care. He knew what it felt like to get the cold shoulder so he would never act that same way with his own family. His mother showed more love to his brother GL “if I had done just exactly what GL did you would’ve beaten me good for it.” Charles wasn’t positive when he confronted his mother about his childhood because he didn’t receive …show more content…
I enjoy making new friends because it allows me to learn something from others and experience new things everyday. I’m a very outgoing person and I accept everyone because i believe that everyone is equal and should be treated fairly. All this gives me positive outlook on life therefore i meet new people with the same type of positivity and without trying they improve my life. I’m a very caring person too so whenever i see a person who needs help i make sure they know that i”ll always be there for them and that I’ll help them as much as I can. I like to be as positive as possible and be loving

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