Photosynthetic Pigment Lab

Improved Essays
Identifying the Photosynthetic Pigments


This experiment was mostly introduced as identifying the different photosynthetic pigments between the Spinach and Blue-green algae. These two pigments were well used in this experiment and simply finding the appearances. Our group was to experiment both these pigments by the amount of bands there was to use, the distance between one band to another, the band color, the distance pigment migrated from the distance solvent front migrated, and lastly the pigment name. If we add the chromatography liquid to our pigments, then the extract of the pigment begin to separate onto the TLC plate.


50-mL Beakers Pencil

0.5 mL Blue-green extract 2 Pipet, graduated

4 mL Chromatography solvent 2 pipet, thin-stem

0.5 mL Spinach extract Ruler

TLC plate (sheet) Scissors

Marker or Wax 2 Watch Glasses


Label the two 50-mL beakers with group name or number, one beaker “spinach extract” and other “blue-green algae extract”
Use scissors to cut the TLC sheet and
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One of our members used the TLC plate for applying spinach extract, while the other member used the TLC plate for applying blue-green algae to it. I was giving instructions on what they were supposed to be doing. Afterwards, we looked at the pigments and applied them to our data table, where our research is recorded. I think this was the one of the most successful labs I've ever done. Nothing terrible went wrong for any of our members nor the experiment. Our results were very clear from what we looked at and I don't think we could have done any

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