The Role Of Stereotypes In Advertising

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To make an image be perfect or stand out in the crowd, a bit of photo manipulation needs to occur. Many people do not realize how significantly advertisements have changed the original image to sell their product. Glamour, a fashion magazine, conducted a survey about their readers’ opinions about advertisements with photoshopped images (Seigal 29). There were 1000 women who answered the survey. When the data was collected, the process of editing small areas of flawed skin, flyaway hair, and fixing wrinkled clothing was approved of by 75% of the women. However, the editors of Glamour were surprised when the survey stated, “Women did draw the line at body morphing, with only 22% approving the digitally slimming away of even five pounds” (qtd. …show more content…
Whether one is watching television, driving down the highway and seeing billboards, reading magazines in a waiting room, listening to music on the radio, or searching the web, there is no way to escape these methods of mass communication. Many profit based companies use advertising is the most popular way to get the public’s attention. According to Jean Kilbourne, an award-winning director of films about advertising, an average American will spend a total of one and a half years in his or her lifetime watching commercials on television (Kilbourne). ADVERTISING PARAGRAPHAccording to Kilbourne, by lacking social experience, children and young adults are more vulnerable to advertisements. One does not become an experienced consumer overnight. Young adults have not fully developed their own concepts of the media and how it affects their mental status. And even if they understand consumerism, he or she may not understand that the companies are trying to sell more than physical products. Kilbourne states that advertisers are selling “values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love and sexuality, popularity and normalcy” …show more content…
The Journal of Mass Media published a research study on how images in magazines affect young women (Hitchon et. al). Four graduates from Oxford University, performed the preceding study. Eighty-nine women from a well-known college in the Midwest, ranging between nineteen and twenty-eight years old were were presented with two magazine photos (61). The photos were images of the same model. The only difference between the two is that one of the images was the original and the other image was manipulated digitally to cause the model to resemble the standard magazine beauty ideal (62). The standard ideal beauty in today’s society is a curvy body with a long and thin neck, big breasts, and evenly colored, smooth skin. Some of the women were shown the original first, while others were first presented with the manipulated version. After seeing both photos, many women expressed “feeling betrayed, being treated in a manner that is distrustful, unethical, and unfair” (63). These feelings were validated by the trickery the magazine was

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