Personal Narrative: The Doubting Thomas

Superior Essays
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened,” (Holy Bible, Mathew 7:7-8). I have heard this Bible verse from Matthew many times, and although it’s message left little room for perception, I found myself mirroring Jesus’ Disciple, Thomas, who had to ‘see to believe.’ Sure, I prayed regularly. Sometimes those prayers were answered, and other times they were clearly neglected. But when those prayers were answered, did I sincerely accept that it was the work of the almighty God himself? Were divine trials and celestial miracles simply a synthetic artistry created by man to explain a much greater enigma? Answered prayers set into angelic action; that is where the Doubting Thomas came into play. Yes, of course I believed in God, Jesus, and angels; but did they genuinely intervene in the everyday lives of every believer created in his image? The Doubting Thomas in me needed to face a substantive encounter before I could rid of any agnosticism. Indeed, such an encounter undeniably focused my dubious and perplexed view. Prayers are answered and miracles do happen as I uncovered in my own claimed experience.
The day was beautifully alluring with the warm, luminous sun and the
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For an extended period of time we had tried to have another child, to no avail. As my voyage through Catholicism continued, I used my extra prayer and mass time to pray to God asking him to bless us with another child. Offering all the prayer we could, we decided to seek medical advice on the situation. After a few visits with my doctor, he determined that I was not ovulating properly, or at all, due to the miscarriage. Eventually he came to the conclusion that our best possible step may be to try a fertility drug to help with

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