Occupational Therapy Strengths And Weaknesses

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My Strengths As I reflect on myself, I have noticed that I already contain many strengths and tools that I need to be successful. I already have immense knowledge of the patience it takes to work with young children, in addition to experience in the occupational therapy field. Similarly, I have tried to get as much on hand experience as possible throughout my life, and strive to learn and understand everything possible about my chosen field of study. I understand that entering a helping profession can be time consuming in addition to being mentally, and emotionally challenging, and my dedication to teaching others will allow me to thrive in my chosen field of occupational therapy. I have realized that after my first semester at college …show more content…
The concept of conflict of interests which falls under the fidelity principle (AOTA, 2016) is one aspect I might have difficulties with. This might be challenging to me because I will most likely work in the same area that I live so I am likely to see my clients outside of my practice. I will have to refrain from forming any personal relationships with my clients, due to the code of ethics, and I could see that posing a potential problem. I might also have a problem turning down gifts from my clients, because I would be afraid of hurting their feelings. In my opinion, in many cases turning down small gifts could be seen as rude or unappreciative, so, I would feel bad having to do this if my client offered me a gift. Yet, I will have to learn how to do so because to not would blur personal and professional lines, as well as go against the ethical code of my practice (AOTA, 2015). However, for the most part I don’t have any major moral or ethical conflicts with my code of ethics. I believe that with time my value conflicts with my code of ethics will diminish, and eventually I will not have a problem abiding by the rules set for me in the Occupational Therapy Code of …show more content…
I must improve on my weaknesses but also solve some value conflicts I have with the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics. However, by looking at both how I perceive myself and how others view me, I have been able to get a clearer picture of what defines me as a person and how my past has played a role and shaped who I am today. For me, this paper has increased my self awareness, and made my motives for selecting my major and career path clear. I have found this paper to be very enriching and useful and I will take into account the information I learned to better myself in the

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