My Nursing Philosophy Paper

Superior Essays
Philosophy of Nursing My respective philosophy of nursing revolves around the idea that in order to provide safe and effective nursing care you must have empathy and the drive to continue to learn and improve as a nurse. Having empathy means being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, being able to understand or feel what they are going through. I believe as a nurse I should always put myself in the patient’s shoes, this will ensure that they are getting the care they need, they are getting the autonomy they deserve and every aspect of the individual, as a whole, is being considered. From the Metaparadigm Concept definitions (found in the table at the end of the paper) you can see that my philosophy not only deals with the person physically …show more content…
Scholastica,” 2015). I unquestionably understand why Saint Scholastica chose these five words for their holistic nursing approach, and I concur that these are essential traits of a nurse. All five of these personas have positively impacted my philosophy of nursing. Caring is a fundamental attribute of nursing and I deem that empathy will help me meritoriously care for patients, especially when you have patient that can be very trying. Collaboration and communication go hand in hand in my estimation, in order to collaborate you need to be able to competently communicate; both of these merits are essential in order for me to continuously improve and grow as a nurse. Competence has certainly altered my philosophy because I consider competence the outcome of empathy. When I put myself in my patient’s shoes, I want a nurse who is competent; in order to give that to my patients, I strive to learn as much as possible and continue to learn, so that I am capable of become a competent nurse. A nurse’s capability to be a critical thinker is detrimental to the outcome of the patient’s plan of care. Critical thinking is vital part of problem solving as a nurse. Therefore, Critical thinking is an aspect of my philosophy that is implied by the drive to continue to learn and improve as a nurse. The Five C’s of nursing has helped shape my …show more content…
Throughout my life so far I have grown as a person and during this growth my philosophy of nursing continues to develop and transform. The transformation and development that my philosophy has gone through thus far, will continue throughout my career as nurse. Even though I am not quite a nurse yet, I do have a strong foundation for my philosophy of nursing and from here it will only continue grow and

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