Personal Narrative: My Four Years In High School

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I did not know that four years in high school could change a person as much as it could change me. When I first entered high school as a freshmen, I expected my high school years to be like what I witnessed in movies and television shows; I was somberly wrong. Over the past four years, I have experienced heartbreak, misperception, and self-doubt. However, I am thankful for these seemingly hopeless situations because they have shaped me into who I am today. When I started out my freshmen year of high school, I had one thing on my mind: Madeline Maynard. As the years progressed and the situations played out, I learned some of the most valuable lessons of my life. Relationships with other people, an increase in academic difficulty, and an increase …show more content…
Upon this happening, I caught the interest of someone whom I had liked since we were kids. Patrick Hodges and I dated throughout my freshmen year and sophomore year. It was not until our relationship came crashing down that I realized that I was not the person who I wanted to be. After we broke up, I got a view of who I was and did not want to be and a view of who truly had my back. Two years into high school, I had to learn to trust myself above anyone else. Coming from middle school to the ninth grade took a toll on my academics. I was not use to studying and paying attention to my teachers, so I had a huge adjustment. I received my first “C” in Biology my ninth grade year. Once I got adjusted into the flow of things in high school, I started to realize the freedoms I had been given. Adults in my home and church trusted me more because I was becoming older. However, I did not make the wisest decisions in my time of newly freedoms. I lied to my parents about where I was because I took advantage of the freedoms I was given. In the first two years of my high school chapter, I learned from my idiotic mistakes, which fortunately had aided with my next two years of high

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