Mill Individual Liberty

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Mill's philosophy of individual liberty places limitations on the freedom that allows human beings to form opinions and express such views without restrictions or prejudice. He explicitly professes his belief in autonomy unless a person indicates a motive that places others in danger and asserts that people are well aware that actions shouldn't be as free as opinions1. Consequently, opinions lose protection, when the circumstances and the manner in which they are expressed in constitute an expression that supports some mischievous actions. Mill further disagrees with the Calvinistic theory which believes that humans only become real through compromise and anything that isn't our duty considered as a direct sin. His thought concludes that such a restricted view of humanity contradicts with the inner sound of man and the possibility that God created man with potential assuming that he would put such a high quality to perfect use. …show more content…
They use observation to see segments of activities, reasoning, and judgment to foresee the outcomes of such events gather materials for decision making and employ discrimination to decide which productive activity to undertake. After he or she decides which economic activity to partake, firmness and self-control assist him or her to hold on to the deliberate decision to completion2. This virtue is an essential element of economic efficiency that enables the achievement of goals and objectives such as improved quality and quantity of production, conformity to standards and distribution of commodities. Mill promotes a system where the society encourages individual liberty, driven by individuals and those satisfied with the existing situation to enable people to reach their maximum level of

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