Macbeth Killing Duncan Analysis

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I am writing this letter to you as a noble general of Scotland, and an honest man. As you are well aware, the death of our beloved king has affected us all in various different ways. Duncan has been tragically murdered, but his death has not been justified. His two sons, who remain suspect, have fled the country, and the guards, the only beings directly at the scene, have been killed without questioning. The guards were our greatest chance at investigating what truly happened; however, they are dead because of your rage filled actions. “O, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them.” You were not in a reasonable state of mind, but this has caused many to doubt your sincerity, and linking you with these murders. Being king of Scotland, …show more content…
As I’ve said before, “oftentimes, to win us our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us.” I would not have expected you to commit such a horrific crime yet your actions have proved my expectations clearly wrong. The night Duncan was murdered, you asked me to trust and remain loyal, I agreed as long as I had a clear conscious while doing so. However, what you’ve done, I cannot condone, the king trusted you fully yet you betrayed him and all of his people. You’ve betrayed me, as I am a kinsman as well as yourself. Nonetheless, Duncan is deceased and there is no way to undo what has been done, all that is left is that you become noble, more so than you were as a general, and try to make up the mistakes made in the past. You were once an honorable man, but I am afraid too much ambition and greed has taken over your mind. These are traits not fit for a king and I know you are not an arrogant man at heart, you know right from wrong and that what you’ve done is unspeakable. Guilt is a big burden and sleeping peacefully while knowing that you’ve done this horrendous deed is unimaginable. Now, you must own up to your mistakes, clear your conscious so it doesn’t change you further into a man you

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