Life Lessons Scout Learned In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the reader learns about the childhood of Scout Finch, a 6 year old girl from Maycomb County, Alabama. Scout lives with her brother, Jem, and father, Atticus. The book takes readers through a series of life events and lessons that affect the Finch family over the course of three years. In this book the author (Harper Lee) allows Scout to be taught various life lessons that can apply to the reader also. Scout learns not to be overly prideful, not to judge a person until she fully understands them, and not to harm anything that doesn’t harm her. One life lesson that Scout learns is not to be overly prideful. In chapter 10, Maudie Atkinson, a neighbor of Scout, says to Scout “People in their right minds never …show more content…
Atticus puts it as “never killing a mockingbird.” To be exact he says “Remember, it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” Some examples of mockingbirds were Tom Robinson and Arthur Radley. Tom Robinson never harmed anyone but was charged for the rape of Mayella Ewell. Another example of this is Arthur Radley’s situation. He is perceived as being insane because of rumors even though he has never done anything bad to anyone. In fact, he has only done good things. He provided a blanket for Scout when she was standing out in the cold and saved the lives of Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell during his attempt at a heinous attack. Both of these men are extremely affable, but are viewed otherwise in the novel. A person can apply this lesson to their lifestyle by thinking of the scenario and the people involved. Based on this, they can make a decision about their course of action. If the person they are dealing with has a clean record, then there is no reason to harm them. This is one of the most important lessons in the book as it is one of the main themes of the story. So, in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and the reader learn not to be overly prideful, not to judge a person until you can stand in their shoes, and not to harm anything that doesn’t do anything bad. All three of these lessons are very important in the book. They develop the plot and play a part in the maturation of Scout and Jem In conclusion, there are many important life values that appear in To Kill a Mockingbird. I thought it was essential that I read this book because I took away many moral values that I can apply to my

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