Importance Of The Second Amendment

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Why is the second amendment so important? it seems in today's society we find ourselves asking this question whenever a tragedy like the Orlando shooting occurs. the second amendment is what makes America the most unique and special country in the world. We are the only country in the that has a written document that states that citizens have a basic human right to defend themselves and form an a led body militia. It ensures that Americans can keep the government in check and that the citizens have the right to defend themselves.

Without the second amendment all other amendments are useless. If I were to protest and exercise my right to free speech on the street in a legal and non violent manner the police have no right to take me out of my
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The second amendment allows us as citizens, the basic human right to defend themselves on the street and in their homes. Most mass shootings happen in places where the shooter knows it's a gun free zone. For example; guns are not permitted in any school zone. This includes preschools, elementary schools, middle and high schools. So why do so many shootings happen on school campuses? Why doesn't the person shooting up schools follow this law? Because criminals don't care about the law. School zones are the easiest target because no one on the property is armed. While people are inside the buildings on lock down in fear for their lives they have to sit and wait for police responders instead of taking matters into their own hands and stopping the assailant. If there is at least one person armed during a mass shooting, the citizen That's armed can take charge and stop the shooter or at least slow them down in time for the responders to arrive. Countries where the citizens have no gun rights are rampant with crimes such as theft, rape, and homicides both gun related and non gun deaths. In 1996 Australia banned and outlawed guns in the country. Many people thought that this act would change the country for the better, however statistics and data show that it is not the case. Australia's murder rate rose to 49.6 an all time high and sexual assault rose twice the rate worldwide. Australia has the third highest sexual assault case in the world. Jamaica also has very restrictive gun ban on their country and are ranked number four on the top homicide rate in the world. Venezuela, the country we talked about earlier is ranked number two. So, why would democratic and liberal politicians like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama want to restrict the right for you to defend yourself? Gun control laws and gun bans have been proven to fail time and time again. Detroit, Michigan has open of the most strictest

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