How Does Dr. Eckleburg Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays
When I was reading through the novel Great Gatsby , It became obvious that Doctor Eckleburg symbolizes God And See over the events that occur. It is probably the most important symbol in whole book. They bring up “the eyes of Dr. Eckleburg often. Doctor T.J Eckleburg symbolizes 3 things. He symbolizes the turning and changing of society; eckleburg's eyes represent the eyes of a God.
The eyes of Dr. T.J Eckleburg are blue and gigantic their eyes are one yard high . He doesn’t have a face but he looks into the distance from a pair of huge yellow glasses which pass over a nose that doesn’t exist . “ Referring to this quote from Nick Carraway, the main character of the story and the voice of Jay Gatsby. Dr. Eckleburg is introduced at this point.

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