How Does Atticus Finch Show Justice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is a character who portrays a sense of justice and courage. He is the best lawyer in Maycomb County and the father of Jem and Scout. In Maycomb County, the families are separated by social structure; anyone who is outside of the social circle or racially different is segregated. The novel takes place in the 1930s, a time when many families of Maycomb were suffering in poverty due to the Great Depression. The theme of racism and the standards of Maycomb play a big part of the story. It affects many characters, specifically Atticus Finch. Being the selected lawyer for Tom Robinson, a Negro, Atticus gains a lot weight and pressure upon his shoulders. He is aware that taking on Robinson's case could affect his children and how the people in Maycomb view his family. Nonetheless, he still chooses to defend Tom, because if he did not, he …show more content…
Ever since the news spread around Maycomb that Atticus will be defending a negro, there has been gossip all throughout the town. Atticus is looked down upon trying to protect a black man. For example, Francis, his nephew says to his daughter, “I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family—” (Lee 110). Francis tells Atticus’s daughter that Atticus is bringing shame to and ruining the reputation of his family by taking part in Tom’s case. Atticus does not get angry hearing this from Scout, instead he tells Scout to keep her head held high and her fists down. Even his neighbor, Mrs. Dubose, tells his son, “Your father’s no better than the nigers and trash he words for!” (Lee 135). Regardless of Mrs. Dubose’s insults, Atticus tells Jem to be respectful to her because she is old and ill. Although Atticus is manifested as the most shameful person in town, he does not let this affect him or the

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