Homosexuality In Criminal Justice Essay

Superior Essays
The Constitution created three branches of government for a specific purpose. These branches are used to carry out, create, and interpret the law of the land. The legislative branch is used to carry out the law, the executive branch creates the laws, and lastly the judicial branch interprets the law of the land. When an issue is put to question in our society, individuals look and rely on to the judicial branch to resolve the issue. Whether the courts rule that the issue has indications of an unlawful violation occurring. Individuals are also given the opportunity to appeal their case to a higher court if they do not like the overall ruling. Or even if they believe that their rights have been violated under the constitution. When a case is appealed and brought to the Supreme Court, it is left to the justices to decide the outcome of a case. Judges frequently write different types of opinions to express their belief and understanding of how the cases ultimate ruling should be. Homosexuality is a very controversial issue that has emerged in our society. Depending on one’s upbringing and mentality, individuals have formed their own personal …show more content…
In the case of Obergefell vs .Hodges , Supreme Court Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, Justice Kennedy and Chief Justice Roberts each wrote dissenting opinion that demonstrate and call to attention errors made pertaining to the case . However, in particular, Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion which was joined by Justice Thomas can be considered remarkable. A dissenting opinion can be defined as an opinion written that can be supported by other judges or not but expressing a disagreement with the majority ruling of the case. It highlights and tells readers what mistakes the court made in ruling of a case based on their

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