Heathcliff And Catherine Relationship Analysis

Superior Essays
Wuthering Heights was written in 1847 by Emily Bronte. This novel deals with love between Heathcliff and Catherine who faces the odds of betrayal, heartbreak, and unacceptable relationships. For example, Heathcliff and Catherine’s as well as Isabelle and Heathcliff’s relationship was not acceptable to either families. Wuthering Heights takes place in the early 1800s where families were allowed to marry one another to keep their property and their family heirlooms. Society levels were well known and you were not allowed to socialize with anyone who was not in your social level. That is why Catherine and Heathcliff relationship was not allowed in their family. As well as Isabelle and Heathcliff was not allowed in her family by her brother. Emily …show more content…
Their relationship was not allowed because Catherine is higher than Heathcliff in their social levels. When Heathcliff arrives into the family at a young age nobody really liked him even Catherine is mean to him at that time. Their mother feels like Heathcliff was a gypsy child and has no place in their family. Throughout the novel Hindley never likes him because he broke his fiddle at the time he was introduced into the family. Heathcliff and Catherine love for each other grew after their parents died. Even though their relationship was not allowed Heathcliff was determined to have her all to himself. Therefore, Heathcliff left for three years and became richer and well educated. Even though Catherine had betrayed him and broke his heart. Since Heathcliff is not acceptable with anyone in their town, he is definitely not allowed around the Linton family. Due to the issues with both families, they both went to each other to forget about their own family and issues they were having at home. Heathcliff is more into Isabelle to get over Catherine as she had broken his heart immensely, and he also wanted to get back at Edgar Linton for taking his Catherine away from him. Isabelle is tired of being under of the control of her brother Edgar Linton and knew that Heathcliff was not accepted by her brother. Isabelle did not realize she had actually put herself in a worse situation than if she would have just stayed home with her brother

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