Gram + Cocci Lab Report

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Gram + Cocci To identify the Gram + cocci I first performed a catalyst test which produced oxygen bubbles and indicated a positive catalase result. The next test I preformed was a mannitol salt test using a mannitol-salt agar plate and the results showed positive fermentation turning the plate yellow and also positive growth. This led me to conclusion that my unknown Gram + cocci was Staphylococcus aureus.
Gram – Rod To identify the unknown Gram – rod I first performed a H2S production test using a peptone-iron agar deep. The results of the H2S production test showed no production of H2S near the inoculation point which meant that my next test performed would be the MR/VP test using MR/VP broth. The MR test showed positive results indicated by the red color of the broth and the VP test showed negative results which were indicated by the lack of red color when adding the dye. The results of the MR/VP test lead me to the conclusion that my unknown was Escherichia coli but to be
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This bacteria had a positive catalase test meaning that it contains the enzyme catalase and was able to turn the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and that this bacteria uses aerobic respiration. When plated on a mannitol/salt plate the bacteria was able to grow on the plate meaning that it has a resistance to high salt environment and live in environments that are high in salt, but had a negative fermentation result meaning that it was unable to ferment mannitol. Also, this bacteria was had negative results for the lactose fermentation test meaning that the bacteria was unable to ferment bacteria, which produced no gas and also because there was no color change it means the bacteria could not produce

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