The Gospel According To St. Matthew Analysis

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Paulo Passolini’s heart touching film, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, illustrates the life of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Matthew is considered as one of the important gospels in the bible because it “…contains an extensive account of Jesus’ teachings…”, which helps individuals understand the Christian religion even more precise (“New Testament of the Bible”). Passolini not only was able to capture a visual chronicle of the gospel but also engages his audiences to feel connected to our Lord Jesus Christ. This film can be shown to anyone of any age, religious or non-religious, and still, have the power to touch ones’ heart and be moved. Before the film was played in class, I thought it would be tedious as I know the basic understanding of the life of Jesus Christ; however, as the film progressed into illustrating stories related to Jesus, I felt …show more content…
This movie has shown me every possible sin that could happen as well as Jesus’ teaching on every possible subject. Before I watched this movie, I did not believe in Jesus a hundred percent, but my thoughts and perceptions have changed as the movie made me realize that God is real and how he is watching over me every second of my life. I feel connected to Jesus even more because I know that Jesus cares about me and how he has all the answers to my questions I could possibly have. I learned to believe in Jesus Christ in the same way Peter believed in Jesus when he asked Peter to walk on the water towards Jesus. At this very moment, I believe in God and how Jesus is our messiah as he says, “ ‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first command’ ” (The New American Bible, Matt. 22. 37-38). Truly, these powerful words by Jesus will cherish in my heart forever as I wait for Jesus’ second

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