Compare And Contrast The Catastrophe And The Tyger

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Blake and Dahl, the Bad Boys People are born both innately good and bad. Throughout history, there are figures that one can look up to as symbols of innocence as well as symbols of evil. Literature has attempted to explain the differentiation between the two, often in a religious sense. “Genesis and Catastrophe” by Roald Dahl was written in 1962 and evaluates the birth of the infamous Adolf Hitler. In William Blake’s “The Tyger,” the author ponders the difference between good and evil in god’s creation, and asks why such horrid things would even exist. Both “The Tyger” by William Blake and “Genesis and Catastrophe” by Roald Dahl evaluate the idea that things are created both good and bad.
One historical example of this idea exists in “Genesis and
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In “The Tyger”, William Blake asks the question “What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry?” (lines 3-4). Blake is referring to the beauty of the of the tyger’s symmetrical stripes. The connection of this beauty directly correlates to the danger and evil of the creature. This theme is also represented in Roald Dahl’s “Genesis and catastrophe: a true story.” In the opening of this work, the doctor tells the mother “You have a fine son. You understand that, don’t you? A fine son. Did you hear him crying?” which emphasizes the beauty of this birth (lines 5-6). Although this was supposed to be a positive occurrence, it was clouded in doubt and darkness. Consistent crying from the newborn worried the parents encouraging them to pester the doctor asking repeatedly if their child was just and healthy. As the passage progresses, the parents begin to acknowledge that their son has no illness and is a beautiful baby. However, at this part of the work the reader becomes aware that this miracle of nature is none other than the Adolf Hitler. These occurrences furthermore emphasize the theme that beauty can also be extreme

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