Genesis 37: 14-20 Analysis

Superior Essays
Human Relations Sunday

Dream on Dreamer
Genesis 37:14-20
What are you dreaming about?
A reading from Acts 2:17-21 There is story prior to our text today about a young man named Joseph.
He was one of the youngest of Jacob’s twelve sons, Joseph the dreamer. You don’t have to respond but just think on these questions. How many of you dream? What will it take for us to just let go and dream? Why do dreams puzzle us? What make a dream a good dream or a bad dream?
Dream on Dreamer.
Joseph had these two dreams and he made the mistake and shared these dreams with his brothers.
He said to them, “Listen to this dream that I dreamed. 7 There we were, binding sheaves in the field. Suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright; then your sheaves gathered around
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What do you do about a little brother who dares to make himself our equal and even our superior?
What do you do about a black man and his dreams? What do you do with a black man who dares to articulate his dreams and aspirations? What do you do to a black man who dreams about equality and a reversal of the whole social and political order—who talks about exalting valleys, leveling hills, and straightening out the crooked places? What kind of response do you make to him and to his dreams? Dream on Dreamer.
For Joseph’s brothers, they wanted to attack the dreamer, they wanted to kill the dreamer they thought if they destroyed the dreamer they would do away with the dream.
For those so called Americans, they wanted to destroy the dreamer by discrediting him; they wanted to destroy the dreamer by spreading all kinds of rumors and gossip about him. Beloved if God has given you a dream, rumors can’t kill it, dream on, gossip can’t silence it, dream on, your past can’t abort it, dream on dreamer, dream on.
Though out the annals of history there were those who regarded the Kings dreams as

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