Examples Of Loyalty In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Dogs are much closer to humans than one may think. Their loyalty is often reflected and expressed in a person’s daily life. When one first thinks of the definition of ‘loyalty’, the first thought that comes to mind is the undying loyalty of a dog to its owner or the loyalty promised in a wedding vow. However, loyalty is often expressed in many different mannerisms that are not always as severe or endearing and are usually not recognizable until the consequences reveal themselves. Usually, these tests present themselves as the major conflict in stories, such as the The Odyssey and To Kill a Mockingbird. While the epic poem, The Odyssey by Homer, and the classic American novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee seem completely unrelated, they …show more content…
It was Miss Stephanie’s pleasure to tell us: this morning, Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest of this life” (PDF 73). In this passage, Miss Maudie explained that though Atticus did not have to take the case and though he ends up receiving backlash from Bob Ewell, he did it out of loyalty to his moral standards and to Tom. Subsequently, however, the man whom Atticus was defending, Tom, proves how loyal he could be to the point of death. Tom Robinson, while he was African American and discouraged to interact with Mayella Ewell, continued to help her and assist her out of pity and loyalty for his morals, though it would eventually get him killed. Tom remained loyal to what he thought was right, even if it was heavily frowned upon in society at the time. During the court session, Tom attempted to explain to the jury, “I was just tryin’ to help her out, suh.” (PDF 66). As the court progressed, the town of Maycomb learned that Tom Robinson felt bad for and helped Mayella Ewell whenever she needed assistance, despite having his

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