Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The Injustices in To Kill a Mockingbird Racism and discrimination were very prominent in the late 1950s and 1960s during the civil rights movement, right when To Kill a Mockingbird was published. In the book, racism and discrimination were the biggest injustices that Harper Lee wrote about. She shows this discrimination by comparing other families in the story in sort of a hierarchical way. She also shows it by making racism evident with a black vs. white trial with an unmoral verdict. The Finches each view the trial differently and learn different things from the outcome of the trial about this injustice. Atticus is the father of Jem and Scout. He is the lawyer for Tom Robinson for the case. Atticus knows that racism is in Maycomb, but …show more content…
It also affected Jem. Jem was growing up fast during the trial because he was becoming more and more aware of ¨Maycomb's usual disease¨; racism. Before the trial Jem has a feeling that Atticus and Tom won't win, but during the trial when he hears about Bob's dominant hand, he gets hope. During that Jem really believes that Tom can win because all the evidence supports that Tom was not capable of doing it. Jem was the most upset after the trial. ¨It was Jem's turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. ¨’It ain't right,¨he muttered, all the way to the corner of the square where we found Atticus waiting¨ (284). Jem was so upset about the trial that he even lashed out at Scout and said ¨’I never wanta hear about that courthouse again, ever,ever, you hear me? You hear me? Don't you ever say one word to me about it again, you hear? Now go on!’¨(331). During the time of the trial, Jem had learned a lot about discrimination and how Maycomb discriminated a lot against their own members. Maycomb separated themselves into social classes. Jem thinks he has it all figured out. “‘You know something, Scout? I've got it all figured out, now. Ive thought about it a lot lately and I've got it figured out. There's four types of folks in the world. Thers ordinary people like us and the neighbors, there's the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the

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