Ennius: A Short Story

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I was excited for this banquet, as Ennius wanted to apologize for the treacheries he committed. I don’t know if I can forgive him yet, I mean, how can you honestly feel at peace with someone who killed your only son? He meant so much to me; he would have carried on the family name. Now our family’s legacy is through. Nevertheless, I wanted to have a good night, and perhaps see Ennius, for who I know he is-a truly good man. Thus, I went with the expectation of good wine and excellent food.
* * *
I saw him standing at the front of his home, clearly anticipating my arrival.
“Titus, my wonderful friend!”
“Ennius, my good fellow! How are the festivities going?”
“Very well, I’m very glad you came. There’s more people in the back, let me take you
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Uneasiness flooded my veins, and my heart began to pound. “Ennius?”
“I wanted to make my apology without anyone eavesdropping. Allow me to present you with a gift.” He made his way over to the table, and gestured for me to sit down, which I did slowly. He reached over and lifted the cover of the platter, and I saw a bloody mess of flesh. A grin slowly crept across his face. “Look familiar?”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There was no way he actually had done this. Presented me with a feast, only to pull the most cruel trick known to man.
I had come face-to-face, rather face-to-flesh, with my only son, Vitus. The feeling of being betrayed by one who was your best friend is truly indescribable. I sat there, frozen in time. What was I to do?
The glint in Ennius’ eyes told me my fate. I watched him take the carving knife into his hands, and raise it as high as he could. I watched it plunge into my chest. The last thing I saw was his smile stretched across his face, with teeth stained red.
I truly was the life of the

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