Edible Egg Ad Analysis Essay

Improved Essays
Consumers are like roaches. We become immune to the clutter of ads that surround us, much the way roaches do to a bug spray. Advertisers are consistently trying to break through this immunity and create a new atmosphere. To do this, they need to target the right audience in the right media, and include the key idea. During the analysis of the new Incredible Edible Egg advertisement, it can be noted that the advertisers use visual appeal, memorability through subtle humor, and good health to successfully persuade their audience that egg should be a part of their diet. The advertisement was found on the fifth page in the May 2015 issue of the Rolling Stone Magazine, which focuses on popular culture including: music reviews, movie reviews, musical …show more content…
When flipping to this page, the first thing seen is the boyishly-handsome, Kevin Bacon with a plate of eggs in hand being carried ‘bridal style’ by a blonde woman. The question, “Why?” comes to mind. Why is this woman carrying Kevin Bacon? And why is he carrying a plate of eggs? These questions make the reader want to look closer at the ad to find a valid answer. This strategy may not initially appeal to the majority of readers who are interested in this magazine for the rock music content, however, it is eye-catching and would appeal to the readers interested in pop culture entertainers. The advertisers have done their first job of luring a reader in by incorporating a well-known actor such as Kevin Bacon to be their endorser. To further the use of visual appeal, the advertisers made the choice to use the bright combo of yellow and white in their catch phrases. In addition to being the primary colors that make up an egg, these brilliant colors capture the reader’s attention and lets them know there is something they need to notice. Furthermore, yellow can be recognized as a symbol of intuition and energy. The advertisers want you to relate this symbolism to their product,

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