The Theme Of Discrimination In The Pearl By John Steinbeck

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I have chosen to explore the theme discrimination against people by how they are treated in society by their identity. This theme is evidence in a novel, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, also in the films Whale Rider by Niki Caro, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by Mark Herman and the song I Am Not My Hair, by India.Arie ft Akon.

In the film Whale Rider by Niki Caro, a 12-year-old girl named Pai, who was born in a tribe where the first born of a male son is to lead the tribe. Right from the moment of her birth, she was discriminated upon by the members of her tribe. This is because her mother and twin brother both died during the delivery, leaving Paikea as the unfavorable child to her grandfather Koro. This emphasizes the dislike Koro has for
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When Kino was asleep, Juana decided to take the pearl and throw it into the ocean. After all, the pearl was bringing them all sorts of bad luck. When Kino finds out, he repeatedly struck Juana until she let go of the pearl and she fell onto the rocks and into the waters. In short, unequal family roles and physical abuse on family members are the two core effects brought by gender inequality in The Pearl’s environment. This example shows gender inequality because Juana was taking action to try and protect the family from harm until Kino harmed her. Juana let that slide because she apparently knew where she stands. Abuse in a relationship is never okay to slide by because she knew where she stands. This is similar to Whale Rider as they are discriminated by their gender and both portrayed gender inequality. It also shows that males are dominating and females …show more content…
This is shown at the beginning of song talking about her skin color and how she kept changing her hairstyles. She couldn't get a corporation to accept her because of her dreadlocks meaning judging her by what she looked like, not what she was capable of doing. In the end, she had to cut it all off and change what she looked like to be accepted. In the song, there were lyrics like “ I am a soul that lives within.” This means that our hair is a part of us on the outside and it's to help us express ourselves but, it’s not what we are inside and that does not matter. Another line is, “Now go on and talk the rest of the world.” This means that she doesn't care and everyone can say whatever they want because it doesn't matter to her and she will be herself. India Arie stated that hair does not define nor consume her. She encouraged women to look inside and go beyond that. This is similar to the movie The Boy in Striped Pajamas whereas Shumel doesn't care whether Bruno is a Jew and India.Arie who doesn’t care about what other people say about her appearance.

In conclusion, I believe that it is not right to discriminate against people by how they are treated in society and everyone should be treated the same. Whale Rider, The Pearl, The Boy In Striped Pyjamas and I Am Not My Hair showed me society might discriminate us because

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