Dinosaurs Alternate Ending

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Entering the Dino World

Strolling quietly against the wild waves, Coco shivered and stared into the wide open. Looking closer, Coco wondered, I wish I could own a sailboat.
Her dad had died when she was very young, and it felt as if the ocean had died with him.
She loved the sea very dearly.
Coco was eleven, and she knew all the facts about the sea in alphabetical order. Her wavy, turquoise-dyed hair looked as if she had put the ocean waves on her head.
Coco had put on a top on with blue wavy lines across it. Her baggy pants swayed slowly against the wind. Coco stood on a strange black rock, hoping to see a sailboat, but nothing was in sight.
Whoosh! Darkness fell on her.
Roar! A T-rex shouted.
“Whoa, what was that?” exclaimed Coco.
Looking side to side, she realized she was in the time of dinosaurs. Coco did some math and realized she was trapped somewhere millions of years in the past. “How will I get out?” whispered Coco to herself, making sure the dinosaur wouldn’t hear.
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Reaching into her backpack, she took out some information books.
“Dilophosaurus, page one.” Flipping to page one, she noticed that they were the same dinosaur she saw above her. She read, “A Dilophosaurus skull feature was behind the first row of teeth, giving Dilophosaurus an almost crocodile-like appearance. Dilophosaurus measured about seven metres (twenty-three feet) long and weighed about 400 kilograms (880 pounds). The Dilophosaurus might have been a fish

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