Society In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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As displayed by Franz Kafka in his short story, “The Metamorphosis” people who are different from others will become disconnected from society oftentimes through no choice of their own. In “The Metamorphosis” tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, who awakens to discover that he has become a human-sized insect. Realizing that he’s late for work, Gregor begins to ruminate on his life which included things like his exhausting work as a salesman, getting up early, and his family. As his family concern for Gregor grows, the chief clerk arrives as he under the suspicion that Gregor is simply shirking his responsibility. The entire family along with the chief clerk become fairly unsettled as they notice that Gregor isn’t talking, instead he’s making inhuman noises. After he made way out of his bed and to the exit of his room, Gregor manages to unlock his door after great difficulty only to reveal his upsetting new visage, causing the the chief clerk to flee the apartment, his mother to faint out of shock, and his father to attack him in an attempt to drive Gregor back into his room. Over the course of weeks and months Gregor and his family had grown accustomed to their new life, and Grete, Gregor’s sister, felt that it would benefit Gregor if he were given more room and less furniture. Grete enlists the help of her mother to remove Gregor’s furniture, which greatly discomforts Gregor and causes him to crawl onto a picture on the wall in order to prove that he wants his furniture to be left in …show more content…
And while people will attempt to understand those who are different if they make no great amount of effort, which admittedly can be quite difficult, nothing will ultimately be done and will only further the alienation that those are different will

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