Corruption In Animal Farm

Improved Essays
Animal Farm Essay
Thesis:In Orwell’s, Animal Farm, Napoleon's deceitfulness led to his absolute power on the farm.
Throughout history there have been many great and despicable leaders but one way or the other they were all corrupt. As John Dalberg-Acton once said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. In Animal Farm, by George Orwell, the farm animals are being treated with great disrespect and are being taking advantage of. The animal’s respected leader, Old Major, addresses the situation and sets a spark for the animals to rebel against their cruel master, Mr. Jones. Eventually the animals take over the farm and renamed it to, Animal Farm, in order to represent that it is not ruled by the cruel hand of humans but
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He would trick the animals by saying the situation was under control where in reality it was hectic. For example, when said, “... a few selected animals, mostly sheep, were instructed to remark casually in his hearing that rations had been increased.” (Green Book Pg.75). In this part of the book rations have actually been decreased do to the lack of products being produced in the farm. What Napoleon does to keep the animals from “revolting” against him is that he gets the least educated animals and tells them to remark in a calm and sophisticated mater that rations were in fact raised rather than the ugly truth that they were being decreased. This here shows us that Napoleon uses the dimwitted animals in his favor in order to keep control over the farm. Another example of Napoleon using propaganda in his favor would be when he told Squealer to change the fourth commandment to, “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” (Green book Pg.67). In this part of the book Napoleon tells Squealer to change the fourth commandment from, “No animal shall sleep in a bed” to “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets”. What’s going on is that the pigs are making changes in the commandments that favor them and make them a more privileged and higher class than the rest of the animals. This is one way Napoleon used his deceitfulness to maintain absolute power on the

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