Psychodynamic Techniques In Psychodynamic Psychology

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Scenario 2 Psychodynamic theory proposes that our behaviors are driven by the interactions of the conscious and unconscious mind (Myers, 2014). The primary focus of these theories deals with the unconscious mind. In fact, current psychodynamic theories postulate that most of our psychology is unconscious, and there are internal conflicts that mold our personality (Myers, 2014). With this in mind, therapist can use a wide array of techniques that can be used to treat mental illness. Furthermore, Sylvia who is potentially suffering from major depression may seek out a therapist who implements such techniques. Techniques used in psychodynamic therapy can, in fact, help Sylvia to overcome her depression. For example, techniques used in psychodynamic …show more content…
The behavioral perspective is founded on the belief that an individual’s psychology is based on learning procedures by means of association (Myers, 2014). There are two distinct ways of learning described by behaviorists. Classical conditioning implies that learning is done by connecting two or more stimuli in an attempt to protect a future event (Myers, 2014). Operant conditioning is a form of learning that is done by using reinforcement and punishment immediately after a behavior (Myers, 2014). A behavioral therapist may use techniques to help Sylvia link her depression to specific actions using aversive conditioning (Myers, 2014). For example, Sylvia can be taught the connection between overeating and feelings of depression. The behavioral perspective can explain why people become addicted to mood altering substances. The association of substances with people, places, and things could explain why recovery can be rather difficult. Another explanation for addiction using this perspective can be the powerful reward an individual receives from using substances that can be described in operant conditioning. For these reasons, clients must be informed to avoid people, places, and things that are associated with past substance …show more content…
Cognitive psychology focuses on how we process information that influences our behavior (McLeod, 2007). This more modern and popular therapy was developed from the cognitive perspective such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This form of psychotherapy focuses on our thoughts that influence our feelings and behaviors. CBT is known to treat a broad range of disorders including depression. In my opinion, cognitive behavioral therapy would be a perfect fit for Sylvia. It seems that her negative self-talk causes Sylvia 's depression. The techniques in CBT would help Sylvia to learn to challenge her negative, irrational thoughts. Speaking from experience, CBT is the best psychotherapy

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