Civil Disobedience In Allegory Of The Cave

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April, 1930. The coastline in Dandi, India is dotted with millions of people illegally extracting their own salt from the water, each feeling a mixture of triumph and fear. They have come together to protest the British salt laws, which they believe are wrong. But it is also understood that in doing so, many will face consequences. Civil disobedience is vital to bringing a positive change to society, under the circumstances of tyranny and/or discrimination. However, fear is induced by the danger of oppression or other attacks, which may influence a person. But when one person takes action and does something that they believe is important, they start a revolution, and have no regret for keeping the truth from others.
One act of civil disobedience
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This compels them to understand that their conditions can be improved. In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave,” he explains the duty of an enlightened person to educate his peers on truth: “We need to train young men to be virtuous and good, that they can work in the Cave but not be enslaved there; that they may help the community from the darkness of ignorance.” (Plato). Through this, Plato suggests that after one person is enlightened on the truth, it is their obligation to bring knowledge to those who are unaware. Plato later explains that he believes this is imperative in forming a healthy society. The phrase “darkness of ignorance” suggests that society should educate others on the truth. Pulling others out of the “darkness” is necessary for forming a …show more content…
He changed the world and inspired many people who are now icons in the world of peaceful protest. His historic salt march was crucial in the eventual defeat of the British Raj in India. The British in India prohibited Indians from producing their own salt, forcing them to buy it from the British. Even after Gandhi wrote a letter to the British Viceroy of India, asking for rules to be relaxed, no action was taken by the British. To his followers, Gandhi said, “On bended knees I asked for bread and I have received stone instead,” and encouraged them to continue with the salt march. People marched for 240 miles over a course of 23 days. They reached the coast and began producing their own salt. Their actions inspired the world, and gave Gandhi many more followers. Kallie Szczepanski explains in her 2017 ThoughtCo article entitled, “What was Gandhi’s Salt March?” how the movement was strategic. “... the salt tax impacted every person in India directly, whether they were Hindu, Muslim or Sikh..” and it was not just for salt. Textiles, land, and paper were all heavily taxed by the British. This action taken by Gandhi and his followers affected every person in India in many ways. Just 17 years after the salt march, India drove the British out for

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