Atherosclerosis Case Study Essay

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A. Develop an Overview of Treatment Options:
1. Medication- This is typically the first treatment used for patients with atherosclerosis. Patients would be prescribed medication that would assist with cholesterol levels, blood pressure and heart rate in order to delay the advancement of atherosclerosis in their arteries.12:All

2. Angioplasty- Patients with severe atherosclerosis have an artery that has a greater than 70% reduction in diameter due to cholesterol buildup. The mission of the procedure is to increase the amount of space available for blood flow in a mostly blocked artery. The surgeon will insert a balloon to open up the space and then insert a stent to ensure the artery stays open.12:All

3. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting- This treatment is suggested is for patients as a last resort. This procedure consists of taking blood vessels from other parts of the body and using these to bypass a narrowed artery. In the past, the bypass surgery would require open heart surgery but due to current technologies, this can be completed using robotic machinery known as da Vinci.12:All

B. Evaluate Clinical Treatment Profiles:
1. Medication- If the patient has mild atherosclerosis, the doctor may choose to monitor the patient while providing options to help reduce the progression of the
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Angioplasty- Angioplasty is considered a nonsurgical, non-invasive technique.13 The decision between Angioplasty and Bypass will be determined during cardiac catheterization. During this process, the doctor will be able to see inside the arteries and at the resulting cholesterol buildups. If the artery is blocked in one area, the doctor may decide to open the artery using the Angioplasty technique. Although it should be noted that this procedure does not guarantee that the artery will remain open. Sometimes even with a drug eluding stent, the artery will narrow again. This means that the doctor will have to constantly watch the patient and their disease

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