50 Things Kids Should Do Before They Turn 12 Analysis

Improved Essays
Inkcinst's '50 things kids should do before they turn 12' criticises children's dependence on technology. This is evident through the implied comparison of modern children and the generation of children who grow up before the widespread of technology. The cartoonist's use of irony and symbolism are major factors that help convey the message of this cartoon.

The author has used irony to highlight the absurdness of the situation and thus convey its message. He assumes that readers understand the adventures and freedom of childhood. However this cartoon is made ironic because the young boy does not know what he should be doing to enjoy his childhood, as consults the older man for a list of things do do before turning 12. This language devise is effectively used by the author because this absurdness can be linked to technology, evident through the phone in the boy's hand and inferring from his question, which he asks 'is there an app for that'. From this, it can be implied that children in today's society relies obsessively on technology and that for the boy.
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It appears that a conscious choice has been made not to depict a specific target of this cartoon. Rather, the author has chosen a general group in society as its target: children growing up with technology, which is portrayed by the young boy. The phone that he is holding visually contradict with the piece of paper that the older gentleman is holding, implying a change in the social norms. however, the reader is positioned to criticise this change. As from the symbolises used the older gentleman is presented as more wise due to his white hair and suit. on the other hand, the young boy with his cap is associate with trouble, which is not appalling. therefore, the symbols used prescribes bias and influences the reader agree with the message of the cartoon at first glance, due to the fact that the audience is most likely to stand on the righteous

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